Whistleblowing Policy
About RAS
Whistleblowing Policy
In its bid to ensure high ethical standards in all its programmes and activities and compliance with the Charities Act and the Code of Governance for Charities and Institutions of a Public Character (IPC), the Restroom Association (Singapore) or RAS has established a code of ethics, which set out the standard of conduct for its Board members, individual members, staff and volunteers.
This policy and procedure aim to offer a channel for all stakeholders including Board members, individual members, staff and volunteers, to either remain anonymous or to identify himself or herself, when reporting any actual or suspected unethical or illegal conduct and wrongdoing of any Board members, individual members, staff and volunteers. However, the report should be based on knowledge of facts and not by speculation, rumours and gossips.
Reportable misconducts and wrongdoings covered under this policy include:
- All forms of financial malpractices such as fraud, corruption, bribery, embezzlement, misappropriation, theft, etc;
- Improper conduct or unethical behaviour, personal and/or professional;
- Non-disclosure of any conflict of interests;
- Any attempts to gain access and/or disclose any information without authorisation;
- All attempts to conceal and abet any of the above listed acts.
This policy is not meant as a channel for members, staff and volunteers to voice their complaints which is not the scope of this policy. Any complaints without substantial evidence will not be considered. RAS takes the issue of abusing this policy seriously especially if the report is based on any ill intent and/or for personal gains. RAS will not hesitate to take action against the person(s) who give false or misleading information.
Roles and Responsibilities
- A Whistleblower is expected to act in good faith without making false accusations when reporting a case. He or she should be able to readily provide evidence to assist in the investigation of the reported case.
- A Suspect is obliged to cooperate with the Investigator during the investigation process. He or she is obliged to provide relevant information, documents or other materials upon request by the investigator.
- An Investigator is the Internal Honorary Auditor appointed by the Board. He/ she shall be independent and unbiased during the entire investigation process. He or she shall act with high professionalism, confidentiality and promptness. He or she is expected to work with the Board to ensure proper investigation. If the Suspect is a Board Member, the Investigator shall work with the rest of the independent Board Members to ensure proper investigation. The Investigator shall acknowledge receipt of the report to the Whistleblower. The Investigator shall submit a report to the Board.
- The Whistleblower can report a case, which he/she can identify himself/herself or to stay anonymous, by clicking HERE. The Whistleblower is strongly encouraged to identify himself/herself to encourage transparency and accountability. RAS is committed to protecting the Whistleblower as stated in this policy.
- The Investigator or the Internal Honorary Auditor will receive an email and respond to the Whistleblower. For any anonymous reports, the Investigator will evaluate and only proceed with further investigation if it is substantiated. The outcome cannot be made known to the whistleblower in this case. If the Investigator views the anonymous report as an abuse based on any ill intent and/or for personal gains, such reports will not be entertained.
- If the case is substantiated, the Investigator will escalate to the Board and work with the Board to investigate the Suspect. The Board can appoint a maximum of three independent members to assist the Investigator with the investigation.
- Upon conclusion of investigation by the Investigator, a detailed report shall be submitted to the Board for review and to take any necessary action based on the recommendations of the report. If required, the case could be referred to an external party, including the relevant government authorities such as the Police. Under such circumstances, information provided by the Whistleblower could no longer be treated with strictest confidentiality.
- The Whistleblower, who identify himself/herself, will be updated of the progress of the investigations and notified of the final outcome.
Protection for the Whistleblower
RAS is committed to protect the Whistleblower from harassment or victimisation. It shall be the policy of the RAS to protect and encourage the Whistleblower who discloses his/her concerns in good faith. RAS shall maintain the confidentiality or anonymity of the Whistleblower except in circumstances when the case must be referred to an external party, including the relevant government authorities such as the Police.