About Restroom Association Singapore
About RAS
About Us
Charity & Institution Of A Public Character (IPC) Information
Charity Registration Number: 01757
Charity Registration Date: 09/01/2004
Constitution: Society
Date of Establishment: 08/12/1998
ROS Registration Number: S98SS0167J
IPC Effective date: 01/05/2010
As a non-profit organization which advocates for clean public toilets, the Restroom Association (Singapore) or RAS strives to reach out to our target audience with innovative programmes and activities that have impact and can be sustained.
Since its inception in 1998, RAS has been working closely with partners from the 3P sectors i.e. public, private and people sectors, which are cornerstones for the success of our programmes, to raise the benchmarks in the whole restroom value chain.
Coupled with this, RAS also engages in continuous consultation, research & development, regional and global conferences to keep abreast of the latest in toilet related technologies and management.
The challenge for RAS is to meet the rising expectations of users and elevate the standards of design and cleanliness. In our bid to meet the rising expectations, we must take on the role of a social change agent by selling the benefits of the cause to policy makers, building owners, architects, designers, facility managers, cleaning contractors. We must investigate and find out the root cause of dirty toilets. We must identify the needs of various users including tourists and foreign workers so as to promote better designed toilets that cater to these needs. We must constantly source for the best practices in cleanliness, design and maintenance of public toilets and review our local standards. Together with the government and other strategic partners, we must continue to raise awareness among the community on public health issues and educate the users on good toilet etiquette.
Only then can we stay relevant, serve the community and achieve clean public toilets in Singapore.
Together, let's make our public toilets another icon of Singapore's star quality.