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The RAS, Restroom Association (Singapore) has awarded 15 preschools and schools the World Toilet Day Commemoration Fund (WTDCF) for organising activities in October and November to commemorate World Toilet Day (WTD). Though the amount of the WTDCF - currently capped at $250 - may be insignificant as compared to other funding for preschools and schools, it was indeed encouraging to receive 15 applications before the August deadline which was only three months since the WTDCF launch in May.


The purpose of extending the WTDCF to preschools is not only to inculcate good toilet etiquette from young but also influence the young to better appreciate the good sanitation standard of Singapore. Apart from the WTDCF for preschools, we also launched a Happy Toilets @ Preschools Programme (HTPP) in February this year to improve the sanitation standard of preschools. In August, we actively participated in the Pre-school Environmental Education Advisor Networking Session organised by the National Environment Agency (NEA) to share with more than 100 preschool principals, teachers and staff about the HTPP which received strong support with 45 preschools signing up for the programme that day.


The HTPP also received support from tissue distributor Universal Sovereign Trading (UST), which came in as a sole HTPP partner to sponsor the HTPP  for 40 preschools for the period of three years. UST also displayed its strong commitment of embracing corporate social responsibility by becoming our first partner to send its employees for training so as to help conduct mystery toilet audits under the Happy Toilet Programme (HTP). The mystery audits, which are currently only conducted by volunteers, will help ensure certified Happy Toilets meet the required standards.


We are heartened to achieve another Happy Toilet milestone with the certification of bus interchange toilets at Yishun Bus Interchange for the first time. This has come less than 2 years after Circle Line MRT stations were certified for the first time in October 2013. While we await more bus interchanges to come on board the HTP, we also look forward to other public toilet sectors displaying their commitment to provide quality toilets for everyone.



Ms Tan Puay Hoon


Restroom Association (Singapore)

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