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The RAS, Restroom Association (Singapore) has introduced the World Toilet Day Commemoration Fund (WTDCF) for preschools and schools in its bid to raise awareness about World Toilet Day (WTD) which is now observed internationally on 19th November. With a staggering 2.5 billion people still without access to proper sanitation, the United Nations General Assembly designated 19th November as WTD on 24 July 2013 to make sanitation for all a global development priority.


Since 19th November 2001 when the World Toilet Organization (WTO) was founded, RAS as one of the WTO founding members, has been organising activities such as the LOO (Let’s Observe Ourselves) Awards to commemorate WTD every year. Since 2013, a minute of silence is also observed for the 2.5 billion people who do not have access to proper sanitation and 1.5 million children who die as a result of poor sanitation. This year, we aspire to expand our WTD outreach by roping in preschools and schools to jointly commemorate WTD. The WTDCF was thus introduced to encourage all preschools and schools, both government and private, to organise toilet-related activities and events in October and November.


In Singapore where there is no lack of proper sanitation, there is still room for improvement especially with the standards of coffeeshop and hawker centre toilets. We are heartened to see better toilet standards for hawker centres over the years. All 15 hawker centres managed by the Moulmein-Kallang Town Council (MKTC) will be certified soon under the Happy Toilet Programme (HTP). With MKTC’s participation, we are on target to achieve a milestone of 60% Happy Toilet hawker centres. There are now five town councils supporting the HTP and we are anticipating more to display their strong commitment to provide quality toilets for all users including the less fortunate.


As a charity and a Voluntary Welfare Organisation (VWO) which has been conferred the ‘Institutions of a Public Character’ (IPC) status since 2010,  we not only focus on the welfare of low-wage cleaning attendants but also less fortunate users such as users with special needs. We did not hesitate to extend our helping hands to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) patients when we were approached by the Singapore Crohn's and Colitis Society to launch the "Can't Wait" card. As for low-wage cleaning attendants, we also roped in a group of St. Hilda's Secondary students to partake in our Happy Toilets @ Shopping Malls service learning project to appreciate cleaning attendants at a shopping mall. Finally, with the successful introduction of the WTDCF, we hope to see more schools applying for this fund to organise activities in October and November to commemorate WTD.



Ms Tan Puay Hoon


Restroom Association (Singapore)

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