With the successful launch of CGS 2010 on 30th October, RAS continued its active participation in other CGS events for three weekends in November. On 8 November, RAS was one of the main partners at the North West CGS Carnival, to support the launch of Green Living @ North West which was held at the Republic Polytechnic. On 15 November, RAS was invited by the Tampines Changkat Citizens' Consultative Committee to set up a booth at their annual CGS event held at their Residents' Community Garden. Following the successful run at the CGS 2010 Carnival from 30th October to 1st November, RAS continued its joint initiative with the Initial Hygiene to share good toilet etiquette tips with the visitors for the two events.
RAS injected more life into their booth at the North East Challenge Walk in Celebration of Singapore 2010 held at White Sands Open Field from 28th to 29th November. Visitors to our booth were not only briefed on good toilet etiquette tips but were also invited to pen down their toilet wishes for 2010 or good toilet etiquette tips next to our LOO Pledge. On 29th November, Guest-of-Honour, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, also visited our booth after making his speech and presenting the CGS Awards.