Prior to the CGS 2014 Carnival and Launch Ceremony on 26th October, RAS actively worked with the organiser National Environment Agency (NEA) and Public Hygiene Council (PHC) to develop educational contents of one of the CGS exhibits. The CGS exhibition was divided into three areas – Our Stories, Our Actions and Our Community. RAS exhibition area was allocated under Our Actions with the design layout of a toilet setting. Same as the LOO Carnival, our key World Toilet Day (WTD) message of "Ignite a SPARK – Share, Promote & Adopt Restroom Kindness" was also featured at the exhibition. Instead of cliché messages on reminding visitors to adopt good restroom habits, thought-provoking messages prompting visitors to think were used such as: Are we treasuring what 2.5 billion people are lacking – Appreciate what we have.
After the CGS Carnival 2014, RAS continued its involvement in the CGS Schools' Carnival held at ITE College West from 12th to 13th November. Similar to last year, educational games and activities were conducted for visiting preschoolers and primary school students. Colouring activities were organised for the first time to educate the young visitors on adopting good restroom etiquette. For eight consecutive years since 2006, RAS has been actively participating in this event to reach out to the young. This year's carnival which was organised by the NEA attracted 6,000 visitors from 153 schools.