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Launch of My School Shines @ Southwest

Mar 21 2007 in

21 March marked the day of the official launch of "My School Shines @ Southwest". Held in Tanglin Secondary School, Mayor of Southwest CDC Dr Amy Khor graced the event along with 19 other schools.

RAS is honored to have the Happy Toilet School Education Programme incorporated into the module of "Clean and Sparkling Toilets" as part of the "My School Shines" programme.

As one of the participating schools of the Happy Toilet School Education Programme, Tanglin Secondary School has chosen recyclables and DIY to decorate their toilets. Restroom Education Talk at My Centre @ Moulmein

Together with Viriya Community Services, RAS held its first Restroom Education Talk for senior citizens on 24 Aug 2007 at My Centre @ Moulmein. Conducted in Mandarin, the interesting talk engaged the attention of the audience and they participated actively during the session. They also learnt about the importance of good toilet etiquette and good toilet manners such as the correct way to wash their hands.