After the media conference on the IAWC report, RAS launched its public awareness campaign, LOO@Heartlands on 16th December at the 21 Street Eating House - the first coffeeshop with 5-star Happy Toilet - in Tampines. This campaign would begin at food & beverage (F&B) outlets with Happy Toilets. Pocket tissue packets specially-designed with catchy messages would be distributed to toilet visitors during peak hours from noon to 2pm and/or 5pm to 7pm for a period of three to seven days. Catchy messages such as "Enter in a rush, leave with a flush" and "We aim to please, you AIM TOO please" are some slogans to remind users to adopt the right restroom etiquette. Close to 800 tissue packets were distributed to toilet visitors at the 21 Street Eating House for a period of five days from 13th to 17th December.
RAS launched this campaign as part of its bid to support one of the IAWC report's recommendations on public awareness campaign. This campaign was also launched to help Happy Toilet owners from the F&B outlets to continue to offer quality toilets. RAS has received feedback from the owners on the challenges of maintaining the cleanliness due to irresponsible users. Annual surveys for the past three years still revealed that more than 70% of the respondents had attributed dirty toilets to irresponsible users. RAS is targeting to reach out to all F&B outlets with Happy Toilets over a period of three years from 2011.