The second YED was marked on 20th April with environment-related activities held at 4 satellite schools and RAS' involvement at one of the schools was Dunman High. Prior to the YED, in partnership with the Public Hygiene Council (PHC), a group of Year 6 students was trained on restroom inspections. Similar to the LOO@Heartlands campaign, a coffee shop was adopted by the students who would then distribute tissue packets with restroom educational messages to the visitors.
In the month of April, a series of activities were organised to mark Earth Day which falls on 22nd April. Chongzheng Primary School invited RAS to set up a booth at its premises during its Earth Day celebrations on 19th-20th April. The whole school was given information about our programmes and students were made aware of the consequences of dirty restrooms. Students had fun checking their hands for germs under the UV lights and also earnestly completed our RAS word jumble found in our brochure. It was a fun learning experience which truly commemorated the values and spirit of Earth Day.