After showcasing its service learning project – Happy Toilets @ Shopping Malls – to the Secondary 3 cohort at the St. Hilda's Secondary 3rd Annual Service Learning Symposium on 27th March, a group of passionate students displayed their commitment to collaborate with RAS to appreciate the cleaning attendants at the HDB's Tampines Central Community Complex (TCCC) shopping mall from 15th to 16th June. The students also conducted mystery Happy Toilet audits at TCCC and neighbouring shopping malls namely Century Square and Tampines 1 so as to better understand and appreciate the efforts of the cleaning attendants.
At the TCCC, the students organised an appreciation lunch for the cleaning attendants - buying lunch and having heartfelt conversations with the attendants to learn more about their strenuous work which tends to be overlooked by the public. In their bid to heighten public awareness on the importance of appreciating the cleaning attendants, the students also organised games and activities to educate the public. The group leader Ian Quek said: "My team of friends are very happy to be able to raise public awareness and we feel more of these projects should be done. We hope the public can be more gracious to the cleaning attendants." Through this service learning project, students not only acquire event and volunteer management skills but most importantly build up their positive character through helping cleaning attendants.