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presidentIn our collaboration with SurveyMonkey, the results revealed most respondents had expressed disappointment if their child were to work as a cleaning attendant as compared to the other three occupations namely production worker, delivery driver and security officer. However, 9 in 10 of them strongly believed people should be applauded for keeping toilets clean. Apart from our annual LOO (Let’s Observe Ourselves) Awards, SaniGives can be a good fundraising initiative to better recognise our fellow cleaning attendants.

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RAS unveils plans for SaniGives

Our President Ms Tan Puay Hoon, answering media queries about SaniGives, a fundraising initiative for cleaning attendants, after the LOO (Let’s Observe Ourselves) Awards ceremony on 17th November.


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RAS gives out 47 awards at the eighth LOO (Let’s Observe Ourselves) Awards

The LOO Awards recipients giving their thumbs up together with the Guest of Honour Senior Minister of State for the Environment and Water Resources Dr Amy Khor and our President Ms Tan at the awards ceremony held at the CHIJ Our Lady Queen of Peace.

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RAS shares its key initiatives with delegates at the World Toilet Summit & Expo (WTSE) 2016

Our Executive Director Mr Emerson Hee (left) receiving a token of appreciation from Mayor of Kuching South Dato James Chan after the end of a panel discussion at the 15th WTSE held in Kuching from 27th to 29th October.

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RAS supports Clean & Green Singapore (CGS) Carnival

Preschoolers learning good restroom habits while playing the LOO Quest game at the CGS Carnival which was opened to visits by preschools and schools on 7th November. 

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Pursoft Professional is the new kid on the block in the arena of premium tissue paper. Pursoft Professional tissue paper products are made of 100% virgin pulp which are highly absorbent and are able to disperse rapidly in water, effectively eliminating problems like choking.


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