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presidentThe RAS, Restroom Association (Singapore) collaborated with the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) College East to commemorate World Toilet Day on 19 November at the campus with an exciting showcase of activities and exhibits. The LOO (Let's Observe Ourselves) Awards was also presented to 17 exemplary recipients behind the move of achieving higher toilet standards. In its bid to raise toilet standards, RAS took the lead to introduce a new Happy Toilet six-star rating.

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RAS introduces new Happy Toilet six-star rating

htp1RAS President Ms Tan Puay Hoon formally announcing a new Happy Toilet six-star rating during her welcome address at the sixth LOO (Let’s Observe Ourselves) Awards ceremony held at the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) College East on 19 November to commemorate World Toilet Day.

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RAS gives out 17 awards at the sixth LOO (Let’s Observe Ourselves) Awards

awards1The LOO Awards recipients posing for a memento photo with the Guest of Honour Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources Mr Choi, (eight from right) and our President (fourth from left) at the awards ceremony.

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RAS recognises more than 70 restroom cleaning attendants at its LOO (Let’s Observe Ourselves) Carnivals & Exhibitions

loo125 restroom cleaning attendants at the AMK Hub gleefully displaying their grocery vouchers which were presented to them on 29th November. AMK Hub was one of the 9 participating shopping malls of the LOO Carnival and Exhibition which was organised island wide from October to December.

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RAS participates in Idea Jam 2014 co-organised by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) and The Straits Times

idea1A team of four students presenting their ideas of launching a toilet educational campaign to a panel of judges at the first all-new Idea Jam on 4th October. The team was among five teams selected out of 10 teams to receive the Young ChangeMakers grant.

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Featured school from our STAR (Sustaining Toilets As Restrooms) programme

horizon1One of four different projects completed by Horizon Primary School pupils. Spearheaded by a very enthusiastic and competent group of Educators, this school completed all components of the STAR Programme and successfully executed four different projects in just its first year of participation.

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Featured school projects from our STAR (Sustaining Toilets As Restrooms) programme

woodlands1This is one of a few different projects successfully executed by the schools featured in this section. RAS often encourages schools to try their hands at different projects introduced on our website. If schools want to go in a direction that is different from decorating their washrooms, they are welcomed to approach RAS for further information.

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Happy Toilet Seminar

htp_seminarRAS will be organising a free Happy Toilet Seminar on 3 February, Tuesday at the Environment Building. The first time slot from 9am-1pm is for Happy Toilet owners to know more about our new six-star  rating criteria while the second time slot from 2pm-6pm is for preschools to know more about the new Happy Toilets @ Preschools Programme.

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Squalet Toilet Step Stool

squalet1Affected by constipation? The Squalet Toilet Step Stool lifts your legs to the perfect height for the smoothest experience. It is an inexpensive, natural and doctor-recommended solution for constipation, hemorrhoids or piles and other colon diseases. It works both as a solution and prevention and is highly recommended by Singapore’s own renowned Colorectal Specialist. Learn more about it at www.squalet.com/products/squalet.

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Restroom Association (Singapore)
