Contact Us             Donate               Advertise                                                 JAN-MAR 2009

RAS welcomes Singapore Petroleum Company (SPC) into our Happy Toilet Programme (HTP) family

SPC has participated in our HTP and is committed to sprucing up the toilets at their service stations to meet our HTP star ratings. SPC’s retail network of 38 island-wide service stations has been getting its toilets audited by our Certified Eco-Assessors (CEAs) from 16 March. Their service stations have been providing a total service package comprising of the Choices convenience store, Speedy Care automotive service centre and Manual Car Wash. With their toilets certified as Happy Toilets, their quality services will now encompass the provision of quality toilets. Patrons can expect a pleasurable toilet experience at their service stations after 10th April, upon completion of their toilet audits. So, do not miss the opportunity to visit their service stations and see how many stars are awarded by RAS!

On 26th February before commencing with their toilet audits, SPC went the extra mile to show their commitment by inviting RAS to their main office at Harbourfront for a Corporate Talk on toilet cleanliness. The talk also involved a session whereby their service station managers were invited to share their views and challenges in keeping the toilets clean. With SPC onboard, RAS hopes to see more service providers coming forth to participate in our HTP to become quality service providers offering quality toilets!

RAS holds second Inter Agencies Working Committee (IAWC) meeting

The introduction of the three new sub-committees (Owners and Operators, Cleaners and Contractors, and Users) was successfully initiated at the second IAWC meeting on 11th February. Held at the JTC Summit Building with the kind support of our venue partners, South West CDC, our member representatives were introduced to their committees and offered the necessary guidelines to work together with their fellow industry professionals. The sub-committees have pledged their commitment to answer the challenge of helping to raise cleanliness of public toilets to a healthy standard of 70% by 2010.


At present, the Owners and Operators, Contractors and Cleaners and Users sub-committees chaired by RAS, Environmental Management Association of Singapore (EMAS) and Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) respectively have privately met to discuss possible terms of reference and the challenges ahead along with introducing initiatives that tackle the problem of dirty toilets from the three main fronts. RAS thanks each member representative for their time and enthusiasm for the cause and look forward to a job well done when the main committee convenes at the end of the year.

RAS introduces its Happy Toilet Programme (HTP) to grassroots leaders

The National Environment Agency's North East Regional Office (NEA NERO) and the North East Community Development Council held its 5th Environmental Health Regional Workshop for Grassroots Leaders and Dengue Prevention Volunteer Groups at the Tampines Central Community Complex on 28th March. The 3-hour workshop included presentations from Mr Howard Shaw, Executive Director of the Singapore Environment Council (SEC) who shared with the audience on the Singapore Green 2050 initiative. Ms Ann Phua, Director of the Hemispheres Foundation also provided examples on how we can reduce our carbon footprint. Ms Susan Pereira from RAS was also invited to share tips on how to keep our public toilets clean and about our HTP.


The workshop was followed by a panel discussion with Mr Sin Boon Ann, MP for Tampines GRC and Advisor to Tampines Central GROs, Mr Martin Nathan, Head of NEA NERO, Ms Phua and Ms Pereira. Panel discussions included topics about the reasons and justifications of charging 10 cents for tissue paper at coffeeshops, what makes a 3-star Happy Toilet, efforts in educating foreigners about the Singapore toilet culture and others. Mr Sin concluded that it is important for all participants to adopt ways of keeping the Earth clean and healthy.


RAS conducts first educational talk to stallholders

RAS was invited by the NEA Hawkers Department to conduct an educational talk to stallholders on the dos and don’ts of using toilets on 5th March at Macpherson Community Club. The stallholders are expected to operate their businesses at the newly-upgraded Circuit Road Market and Food Centre in May. The briefings to the stallholders are generally held about two months prior to the commencement of the Tendency Agreement of the hawker centre upgraded under the Hawker Centres Upgrading Programme (HUP). RAS was invited for the first time to be involved in these briefings to share with the stallholders on the importance of exercising good toilet hygiene practices.

Apart from engaging us in their briefings to stall holders, the NEA Hawkers Department has also strongly supported our Happy Toilet Programme (HTP) by re-certifying all the toilets at the 24 hawker centres owned by the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR). RAS conducted toilet audits at 23 hawker centres in February and all of them have attained at least 3 stars – the minimum HTP standard – with one even achieving our 4-star standard! RAS will conduct the toilet audit at the remaining hawker centre after completion of its upgrading works. With MEWR hawker centres successfully becoming part of our HTP family, RAS anticipates the reunion of the remaining hawker centres – owned by the Housing Development Board and managed by the Town Councils – to be part of our HTP family in the near future.

RAS shares views on local toilet etiquette with producer from Omy website

After Shin Min Daily News featured an article on an interview with Ms Nancy Sit, a Hong Kong star who commented that the dirtiest toilet she had seen was in Singapore, Ms Ng Yimin, a Content Producer from SPH’s Omy website, requested for an interview with our President on 25th March. Our President shared her views on the local standard of toilet cleanliness, the three key factors – toilet owners, cleaners and users – to the standard of toilet hygiene and some of our school and public education programmes to inculcate positive toilet etiquette.


Visitors to Omy website who wish to know more about our President’s views and comments, have the option to read the article, listen to the podcast or view the vodcast. A forum has been set up on the website for visitors to voice their views and comments on the local standard of toilet cleanliness and hygiene. Ms Ng also penned down her thoughts in her blog and graciously accepted our request to include a link to our restroom survey in her blog.

RAS trains new pool of Eco-Assessors

To cater for the growing demand for our HTP, RAS trained a new pool of Certified Eco-Assessors (CEAs) and Volunteer Eco-Assessors (VEAs) on 4th March and 11th March respectively. Two of our RAS staff members involved in the training sessions really enjoyed the entire experience. With the generosity of the North West Community Development Council (NWCDC), we were provided with a venue to train our new pool of CEAs on 4-5 March. In total, seven people were trained. They comprised of four females recruited with the kind assistance from NWCDC, two females from North East CDC and a male volunteer from RAS. Our staff witnessed the passion and a fantastic level of commitment and participation in them. The two-day training session consisting of both theoretical and practical lessons, ended well with some of the CEAs already starting their toilet audits. So far, we have trained a total of 28 CEAs.

Following the successful run of VEA training sessions for officers from the National Parks Board (NParks) in October last year, NParks were back in action by sending a new batch of 12 officers to attend a two-hour training session held at the East Coast Park Visitors' Centre on 11 March. The two-hour training session consisting of both theoretical and practical lessons, also included a sharing session on some challenges faced in maintaining toilets located in parks. We hope that the commitment and participation of NParks will drive more organisations to emulate their initiative. So far, we have trained a total of 64 VEAs.

RAS supports “Toilet Cleanliness Week” campaign

With the help and support from the National Environment Agency (NEA), PUB and RAS, a team of seven first-year undergraduates from Singapore Management University (SMU) brainstormed and initiated the “Toilet Cleanliness Week” to promote awareness on good toilet etiquette. RAS was first approached by the SMU team with regards to what kind of project they could embark on that contributed to the society. After intensive discussions and meet ups, RAS and the SMU team decided to come up with the “Toilet Cleanliness Week” campaign to recruit and train volunteers to clean the toilets so as to better appreciate the toilet cleaners.


The campaign won massive support and some 60 SMU undergraduates rolled up their sleeves to clean the toilets on 19th March. Media representatives were also invited to witness the hard work of these volunteers who are mostly first-timers in toilet cleaning. After this campaign, RAS intends to explore the possibility of venturing into other schools and tertiary institutions with the hope of extending this annual campaign for another five to ten years.

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