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RAS awards first six-star restrooms to The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands (MBS)


The Shoppes at MBS is first to be awarded the six-star rating for adopting smart restroom solutions. The luxury mall is the first and only establishment in Singapore to be accredited six stars for six (male and female) of its newly revamped restrooms after undergoing an audit conducted by the RAS. The mall plans to upgrade the rest of its 30 five-star restrooms progressively. The six-star rating is the top rating which was introduced in November 2014. The six-star rating is due for renewal on an annual basis. Apart from meeting excellent service and cleanliness requirements, all cleaning attendants will need to be certified with the Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) in washroom cleaning.


Six-star restrooms will also need to adopt smart solutions that will increase productivity and efficiency, through the use of automated feedback and cleaning systems. The Shoppes at MBS adopted the holistic Detect Feedback Eliminate Save (DFES) Smart Restroom Solutions namely detecting with sensors, receiving feedback via an intuitive system, eliminating with ozone water system and saving with green hand dryers and waterless urinals. The DFES Smart Restroom Solutions is a joint initiative by five partners of the RAS namely Adsec Global Pte Ltd, Aqua Tech Pte Ltd, Convergent Smart Technologies Pte Ltd, Infinergy Systems Solutions Pte Ltd and Viso Pte Ltd.


RAS certifies first church under its star-rating Happy Toilet Programme (HTP)


In December last year, the St. George’s Church approached RAS to request for on-site training for its cleaning attendants. After an effective training session conducted for its cleaning attendants, St. George’s Church participated in the HTP and became the first church to be accredited four-stars in April. RAS is heartened to welcome another place of worship on board the HTP. Mosques were the first places of worship to participate in the HTP since 2010 and this was followed by the Mount Vernon Sanctuary.


The mosques engaged RAS in the same holistic approach as the church, with training conducted for their cleaning attendants prior to HTP accreditation. Malabar Muslim Jamaath Mosque became the first mosque to achieve the 4-star rating for its toilets in 2010, In November 2013, RAS reached out to more mosques with support from Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS). We hope more places of worship will emulate their strong commitment in providing quality restrooms for their worshippers.


RAS trains support staff from more than 30 preschools


The first training session was conducted on 12th March for more than 20 support staff at a cluster of more than 10 PAP Community Foundation (PCF) Sparkletots Preschools. The session was well received and another cluster of more than 20 PCF Sparkletots Preschools was recommended to approach RAS for the same training session. Another training session was organised on 28th May for more than 30 support staff.


The support staff who were mostly involved in cleaning and housekeeping, underwent first-hand training on good practices as follows:


·         Learning the difference between cleaning and disinfecting

·         Safe & hygienic practices against cross contamination

·         Types of chemicals and how to use them

·         Care of tools

·         Cleaning and disinfection procedures


RAS exhibits its educational games at Nan Hua Primary School (NHPS)


After setting up its exhibitions at two school networking sessions organised by the National Environment Agency (NEA) in January and March, RAS continued its school outreach on 18th April at the NHPS’ Earth Day celebrations. It was the second consecutive year RAS participated along with other exhibitors such as NEA and the Public Hygiene Council. Last year, apart from setting up an exhibition booth, RAS conducted an assembly talk at the school.


This year, RAS included new exhibits to showcase them to different levels of students during their recess period. The new exhibits attracted a good turnout of students at our booth. A board game, which was designed by primary school students, was displayed to educate gamers about good and bad restroom habits. Another interactive mobile game called the LOO (Let’s Observe Ourselves) Whiz also provided gamers an educational experience about the challenges of cleaning dirty toilets caused by irresponsible users.



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Restroom Association (Singapore)