Contact Us             Donate               Advertise                                                 APR-JUN 2009

After introducing three milestone initiatives – LOO Campaign, Eco-Assessor Programme and Inter-Agencies Working Committee – last year, RAS has yet again devised more bold initiatives to add to its list of achievements. RAS initiated LOO Awards 2009 in 17th June to recognise heroes behind the cleanliness and maintenance of toilets namely organisations from public and private sectors, cleaning contractors, toilet cleaners and individuals. RAS also launched the LOO Map to recognise clean toilets that have achieved our Happy Toilet star ratings. Both the LOO Awards and LOO Map will serve to help reach the target of our LOO Campaign, which is at least 70% 3-star Happy Toilets by 2010.


In its collaborations with various organisations, RAS continues to work closely with its Inter-Agencies Working Committee (IAWC) members to break new grounds in enhancing overall toilet standards. RAS has also partnered with the National Environment Agency North West Regional Office (NWRO), North West Community Development Council (NWCDC) and North West Grassroots organisations (GROs) to target toilet cleanliness in the North West District.


In its community outreach, RAS has extended its reach to another key audience, the foreign workers. After the stallholders from hawker centres, foreign workers are the second group of audience to attend talks on the dos and don’ts of toilet hygiene practices. Not forgetting school teachers and students, RAS continues to reach out to this group by participating in the Asian Water Symposium organised by the Waterways Watch Society and the Health Education Seminar organised by the Ministry of Education.


With the successful launch of our two new initiatives and heightened awareness of our programmes, I hope RAS will continue to scale even greater heights in actualising its vision of “Clean Toilets for Everyone”.


Ms Tan Puay Hoon
Restroom Association (Singapore)

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