We recently caught up with Ms
Jenny Wee and Mr Lim Ah Kum – both
dedicated RAS volunteers since 2003 – and asked them to share with
our readers on their passion in volunteering with RAS.
Question: Would you like to
share a recent memorable RAS volunteering event?
Yes, during the North
East 5th Regional Workshop for Grassroots Leaders & Dengue Prevention
Volunteer Group on
28th March. I was very inspired when MP Mr Sin Boon Ann mentioned during
the panel discussion that if grassroots leaders do not place importance on
the cleanliness of the environment especially public toilets, how can we possibly
spread this message to others in the community? I believe in Mr Sin’s
view that we have to lead by example.
- Ms Jenny Wee
Question: Over the years, has
the state of public toilets improved?
Years ago, toilets were washed
just once. But now, the authorities are more aware of the need for good
hygienic toilets. Volunteering for RAS gives me the satisfaction that we
are bringing clean and healthy public toilets for our community but there
is still a long way to go. There are many dirty toilets around that can
even pose a potential health threat especially with the rising number of H1N1
- Mr Lim Ah Kum