A Message from the President

2007 had been a fruitful year for RAS with many new developments and milestones achieved.

Under outreach and education, the Happy Toilet School Education Programme popularity is evident during the Clean and Green Singapore Schools’ Carnival as RAS garnered an overwhelming crowd at our showcase in Wonderland.

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Clean & Green Singapore Schools’ Carnival 2007

Once again, RAS’s booth in the NPO sector of the carnival proved to be a hit with students and adults alike. Taking the opportunity to promote awareness of the Happy Toilet School Education (HTSE) Programme, the interesting display and interactive games drew us crowd which expressed much interest in participating in the HTSE programme.

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Australian TV network visits Happy Toilets in Singapore

23 October 2007 marks the day that renowned Australian movie character Kenny drops by Singapore’s Happy Toilets for the filming of TV series “Kenny- a World Tour of Toilets.

During the loo trip, Kenny was “wowed” by the 5-star Happy Toilet at...

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RAS participates in Semakau Corporate Environmental Outreach Run

As part of the Clean & Green Singapore Programme, RAS participated in the Semakau Corporate Environmental Outreach Run on 17 November whereby about S$390,000 was raised by more than 40 corporations to help preserve the environment.

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World Toilet Day 2007

In collaboration with a group of SMU undergraduates, the Restroom Association of Singapore (RAS) celebrated World Toilet Day 2007 on 19 November by paying tribute to “Toilet Cleaners- The Unsung Heroes”.

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RAS gets Creative with Dustbin Art

Taking part in “Creative Home” (a character development process involving the transformation of a public necessity into works of art and meaning), RAS has painted a dustbin to promote good toilet etiquette, encouraging public members to be responsible toilet users.

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Kudos to the proud owners of their Happy Toilets

20 more hawker centres have been certified (Nov 07-Jan 08) under the Happy Toilet Program, bringing to date a total of 59 hawker centres under this program. NEA has been one of RAS most supportive partners.

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Kudos to the proud finalists of MediaCorp’s Chinese Roving DV competition

Both Mee Toh and Anderson Primary School have featured their Happy Toilets for the Roving DV competition. Among the five finalists, Mee Toh Primary School was the second to be shortlisted, followed coincidentally by Anderson Primary School as the third finalist.

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Highlights of the upcoming activities and projects from January to March 2008

Recruitment Drive for Restroom Assessors

  • Make a difference by joining RAS as an assessor and playing a vital role not only in keeping our public toilets clean but also becoming one of the key drivers of the LOO Campaign! On 29th March, RAS will be conducting a workshopfor potential assessors. All are invited to be part of our team.

Lucky to be with RAS - Internship Experience at Clean & Green Singapore and World Toilet Day

“Restroom Association (Singapore)”, this word came into my attention when my Liaison Officer announced to me that I would be attached to this organization for internship. If I was not posted to RAS, I would not even notice that this organization actually exists!

I had a great time working in RAS with such a great team of colleagues. I could still remember that very first moment when I stepped into RAS on 12 September 2007. It was a brand new environment for me...

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Enjoyable to be with RAS - Internship Experience at Clean & Green Singapore and World Toilet Day

As interns in RAS, we were required to help out the office staffs with their admin work, from sending out associate membership forms to helping out in the Clean & Green Carnival which was recently held at Suntec City Convention Hall. We also helped out at the World Toilet Day event which was held at Singapore Management University (SMU). We learnt a lot of valuable lessons during our one-month attachment here at RAS. We will apply what we have learnt to our future jobs or attachments.

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