Contact Us                  Donate                                                                     JAN-MAR 2008

Meet RAS first voluntary Restroom Assessor

While most people will cringe at the sight of dirty toilets and choose to use other cleaner toilets, the Restroom Association of Singapore has been going round the island to conduct assessments on toilets, making sure that they are clean for the public to use. As influenced by Malcolm, I decided to spend some of my free time to do my little bit for the community


Thus on 29th Mar, a lazy Saturday afternoon, I found myself at Balestier Road, attending the first volunteer workshop organized by the association. It is the first time that I had been to their office. It comes across as a cozy little office and having met three of their full time staff, I had this feeling that it is a close knit team as well.


At the workshop, there were 4 other like minded volunteers and we had the pleasure of meeting Ms Tan Puay Hoon, the current president of the association. During the workshop, Malcolm and Puay Hoon shared with us how the assessments were done, the newest technology in toilet cleaning as well as their encounters with toilets from different parts of the world.


At the end of the workshop, all of us went down to Whampoa Drive to conduct a practical lesson on how to inspect the toilets there. It was definitely an informative workshop which opened my eyes to the world of toilets.

- Kate Ang, RAS Volunteer

Meet RAS staff

It is good to know that there is an organisation that contributes to the well being of people. Concerns over toilets are always neglected by the public and we have been taking it for granted. It is my pleasure to work for the RAS and contribute to the society in a different way. I feel we should be incorporating social contribution while at work. RAS probably is appropriate for my cause. Singapore is developed in many areas, but countries are catching up in terms of hygiene, culture etc.


- Matt Yee, Project Executive for Business Development



Restroom hygiene and etiquette forms an important component of everyday life. I believe these are values that have been overlooked from time to time. Reinforcing these values through proper education at a very young age can help to avoid this. People of all ages must be made aware that restroom hygiene is as important as the daily consumption of food and drink and I am glad to have joined an organisation that is dedicated to achieving this.

- Sanjay Balan, Project Executive for Outreach & Education



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