Contact Us                Advertise                                                                           OCT-DEC 2016



Pursoft Professional is the new kid on the block in the arena of premium tissue paper. Pursoft Professional tissue paper products are made of 100% virgin pulp which are highly absorbent and are able to disperse rapidly in water, effectively eliminating problems like choking.


In addition, they are free from Optical Brightening Agent (OBA) and other harsh chemicals that other brands typically use to make their paper products appear whiter and brighter. This means that our customers can be assured of a premium tissue product that is safe even for the most sensitive skin.


You’d be happy to know that all Pursoft Products (Bathroom Rolls, Jumbo Tissue Rolls, Hand Towels, Centre Flow Towels, Facial Tissue, etc) are responsibly sourced and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) which is regarded as a “Gold Standard” in global forest certification systems. Our paper mill is fully FSC and CoC certified.


For enquiries, please email:




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