For close to four years
since the launch of the LOO
(Let’s Observe Ourselves) Campaign in 2008, RAS has been
actively promoting the Happy
Toilet Programme and recognising commendable efforts made by committed
owners and operators at its annual LOO Awards. While
recognition remains our key focus, it is pertinent to reach out and help dirty
toilet owners and operators. We hope with the introduction of the LOO Connect for the
public to denounce dirty toilet owners and operators, there will be a significant
we actively encourage owners and operators to stay committed in their
provision of quality restrooms, we do not dilute our outreach efforts of
educating the users, both young and old, to adopt good restroom etiquette
and act responsibly. Every year, we continue to conduct talks at about 70
schools and this year, we even go to the extent of conducting talks in
English and Mandarin, for foreign students at two private educational
continue to explore other means of reaching out to the public such as
partnering with the National Environment Agency (NEA) to target library
patrons via educational talks and exhibition displays. We have actively
participated in any community events that facilitate our outreach beyond
talks, to raise public awareness on the importance of keeping the toilets
clean. Our repeated participation in the Zhenghua Primary School Open
House event is a clear indication of our strong commitment to reach out
to the public. We believe it is essential to adopt a diversified approach
in our outreach and education efforts to effectively inculcate good
restroom etiquette. Therefore, we are also one of the key members of the
Keep Singapore Clean movement with the aim of making Singapore a truly
clean city and not a cleaned city.

Ms Tan Puay Hoon
Restroom Association (Singapore)