Contact Us                Advertise                                                                         JUL-SEP 2010

For the past three months, we had been actively reaching out to the education sector. Amid rising concerns over the outbreak of hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD), we held our first preschool seminar and shared with invited principals and teachers about our school education programme and the importance of maintaining high restroom standards and personal hygiene.


Not forgetting the higher education sector, we continued to participate and support school-related activities including helping tertiary students such as the Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s students in their projects. With upcoming requests from tertiary students, we should soon see more innovative projects about the restroom environment.


We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the media, both local and foreign, for their support and help in publicising information about our initiatives. It was heartening to learn that the foreign media had publicised about our role in the Singapore’s first inaugural Youth Olympic Games. With the positive international media coverage of our initiatives, we are assured that our drive towards a model restroom culture in Singapore garners international recognition.


With our first LOO (Let’s Observe Ourselves) Carnival & Awards just around the corner in December, we are hoping to see a good turnout from the public and your support is crucial to the success of our first carnival. We are also looking forward to receiving more nominations for the LOO Awards this year.



Ms Tan Puay Hoon


Restroom Association (Singapore)

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