was a fruitful year for the Restroom Association (Singapore) or RAS with
new partnerships forged to launch new initiatives such as our LOO (Let’s
Observe Ourselves) Connect feedback channel with
the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) and our LOO
Whiz Facebook game with
the Nanyang Polytechnic’s School of
Interactive & Digital Media. This year, we are certainly looking
forward to forging more partnerships with other government agencies and
private companies to launch more impactful initiatives.
the LOO Connect targets the owners and operators, the LOO Whiz game targets the users in terms of the
adoption of responsible behaviour. Most of our activities over the past
three months have in fact been focussing on user education.
initiatives targeting the owners and operators are essential, we believe
that user education is paramount to the sustainability of toilet cleanliness.
Therefore, we continue to actively participate in various events and
sharing sessions to extend our outreach and education to the young and
old. For example, young students of the River Valley High School event we
recently participated in were given some information about our school
projects while adult visitors and guests at the Singapore World Water Day
event and JTC sharing session were made aware about the importance of
washroom cleanliness and good restroom practices.
year, we hope we will continue to be granted numerous partnership
opportunities to push forward our crusade to improve local restroom
Ms Tan Puay Hoon
Restroom Association (Singapore)