After initiating its
first LOO – Let’s Observe Ourselves – Awards last year,
RAS has yet again devised another bold initiative by holding its first
LOO – Let’s Observe Ourselves – Carnival this year. The
carnival aims to raise public awareness on the need to adopt the right
restroom culture. With the coming of this signature event in December, we
hope to see a good turnout for this carnival as your support is crucial
to its success. The LOO Awards will also return to be held in conjunction
with the carnival and we are looking forward to receive more nominations
this year.
participation in our Happy Toilet Programme (HTP) by a showroom for the
first time is a clear indication of the growing popularity of HTP and
this has certainly motivated us to promote the HTP to more restroom
owners and operators from other sectors. With the growing demand, we will
continue to train more Eco-Assessors especially the Volunteer
Eco-Assessors to not only conduct mystery toilet audits but also work
with the HTP owners to ensure sustainability of the standards of their
star-rated restrooms.
are thankful to the media for their support and help in publicising information
about us and messages about adopting good restroom culture. It has been
an enriching experience for us to work with Lianhe
Zaobao and MediaCorp
on their story and programme respectively and this has helped to create
more public awareness about us. We would also like to express our
appreciation to the National Library Board for granting us the
opportunity to showcase our Learning Pavilion at their libraries.
Given the wider outreach and more
positive publicity of RAS, we are anticipating more collaborations and
partnerships with other organisations for our activities this year
especially our new school and public education programme.
Ms Tan Puay Hoon
Restroom Association (Singapore)